Services Offered
  The company, having got relevant State Licenses and juridical proxies, provides investigation, design and estimation works in the following areas:

  Complexes of irrigation and reclamation systems
  Dams and other hydraulic structures
  Bank-protecting and flood regulation structures
  Pumping stations
  Hydro-turbine pump stations
  Small hydropower plants
  Residential and industrial buildings with their service lines
  Water supply systems, daily regulation reservoirs, treatment plants
  Deep and artesian wells
  Technical expertise of hydraulic engineering projects
  Construction supervision

For justification of reclamation and irrigation projects, schemes and programs the company provides complex geological, hydro-geological, geophysical, topographic, sociological and ecological investigations.   To carry out design and investigation works the company has 9 departments, staffed with qualified, experienced employees (many of whom have working experience at foreign firms) and support services, equipped with necessary transportation facilities, drilling machines, chemical and geo-technical laboratories, high capacity computers.
  The developed designs are carried out in compliance with the requirements of international codes and standards, using the advanced world experience, newest technologies and computer programs.

The designs are carried out in Armenian, English and Russian.
The decades` experience of the company, availability of equipment, high proficiency of employees are the guarantee for reliability of developed designs and engineering solutions.